If so you could be earning extra income by turning it into a moving billboard. You don’t have to do anything differently; your route stays exactly the same. Compensation is monthly and most campaigns run 3-6 months, sometimes longer.
BlackTone Truck Side Advertising Media, is the latest out-of-home opportunity, offered on hundreds of box trucks travelling all around the island, exposing advertising messages to audiences at the street level.
Opportunities Islandwide: Secure your box trucks position for this opportunity to earn additional revenue, advertising to consumers on the go, on streets throughout some of the country’s largest markets. Our team will work with you to maximise your revenue opportunity.
Given the nature and routes of your existing contracts you can select from the following daily route options,
Daily Route Options: Trucks traverse these routes on a daily basis • South Coast Routes: St. Catherine to Negril Westmoreland • North Coast Routes: Ocho Rios to Negril Westmoreland • North South Route: Kingston to Ocho Rios • Urban Route: Kingston, St. Andrew and St. Catherine • Eastern Route: Kingston to Port Antonio • Eastern Route: Kingston to Port Maria Via Junction
Strategic Route Selection Targeted routes like urban neighbourhoods, rural communities and roads, or dense urban centres like Kingston and Montego bay.
Floating No Fixed Routes These are trucks that may traverse any route on a daily basis